Mathematical Problems in Engineering Aerospace and Sciences ICNPAA 2010
£ 65.00
S. Sivasundaram (ed)
The Eighth International conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering Aerospace and Sciences was held at the Brazilian institute for space research (INPE), Brazil, June 30- July 3, 2010.
2020 980pp PBK 978-1-908106-14-8
The Eighth International conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering Aerospace and Sciences was held at the Brazilian institute for space research (INPE), Brazil, June 30- July 3, 2010. This proceedings publication reports on new trends and research directions in engineering and aerospace sciences and comprises keynote addresses, invited lectures and contributed papers. The volume includes papers on: hybrid systems, new trends and application in transform theory, nonlinear flight dynamics problems: algorithm and software tools. Optimal control, stability in nonlinear sciences, multi disciplinary optimization, boundary value problems in engineering and aerospace transport, economics, operation and management, unmanned aerial vehicles, orbital manures of satellites, numerical methods, region of attraction, and its application to control theory, computational fluid dynamics, system identification, modelling and control in aerospace problems, space craft dynamics and control, hybrid evolution programming, modelling and optimization, hydro aerodynamics, control of defense systems, unsteady flight control, re-entry vehicles, phase transition modelling, computational fluid dynamics, computational structures, material processing, trajectory optimization of solar aeroplanes, stability and control, nonlinear mechanical systems, advances in nonlinear dynamics, soft computing, modelling and simulation, high performance computing, structural dynamics, aero acoustics, hybrid systems, modern aero elasticity, fractional differential equations and nuclear power research, and petri nets for complex systems.
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