Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes (Second Edition)
£ 60.00
R. Giacconi, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA and R. Ruffini, University of Rome, La Sapienza and ICRANet, Pescara, Italy
The first edition of Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes was published in 1978 and comprised the proceedings of the international school “Enrico Fermi” (Italian Physical Society).
2009 950pp HBK 978-1-904868-71-2
The first edition of Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes was published in 1978 and comprised the proceedings of the international school “Enrico Fermi” (Italian Physical Society). The scope of the international school was to review the progress made in our understanding of neutron stars in the light of experimental knowledge acquired from binary x/ray sources. Some concepts, which have become classic, were presented in the first edition and this book is of interest to students and researchers. The aim of this second edition is to provide additional reprints and make accessible the original reference material. The second edition comprises Two parts:
Part One: provides valuable reference and reviews the progress made in the development and understanding of neutron stars and black holes and enables the reader to look back at the presentation of classic concepts and ideas. Part Two: an appendix of classic and key papers include the Nobel Lectures of three participants of the School: S. Chandrasekhar, J.H. Taylor and R. Giacconi.
This volume will be an invaluable reference source for astronomers and astrophysicists all over the world.
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