Topologically Stable Defects and Solitons in Ordered Media
£ 25.00
Classic Reviews in Physics edited by I.M.Khalatnikov, L.D. Landau Institute For Theoretical Physics. Moscow, Russia
This classic paper describes topologically stable patterns such as vortices, disinclinations, dislocations and domain walls in ordered med (superfluids, liquid and solid crystals, magnets)
1998 Hbk ISBN: 90-5702-272-9 80pp
This classic paper describes topologically stable patterns such as vortices, disinclinations, dislocations and domain walls in ordered media (superfluids, liquid and solid crystals, magnets). It also introduces the basic notions of homotopic group theory and the necessary algebraic topology constructions. The author is one of the inventors of topological classification of defects in a theory of ordered media.
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