Regular and Chaotic Classical and Quantum Dynamics in Multi-Well Potentials
£ 50.00
V. P. Berezovoj, Yu. L. Bolotin, V. A. Cherkaskiy, G. I. Ivashkevich, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov, Ukraine
This review is based mainly on the results of the authors original research and considers classical chaos and quantum manifestations of classical stochasticity in two-dimensional potentials with non-trivial topology.
2015 Hbk ISBN: 978-1-904868-77-4 160pp
Non-linear models with complicated multi-well shape of potential energy surface represent the common case situation and they are used in many important processes in real systems, such as chemical reactions, phase transitions, nuclear reactions and decay of super-deformed nuclei. There is increasing world-wide interest in non-linear dynamics, and this volume provides a useful reference and guide to the exciting topic of classical and quantum chaos. The book is intended for a wide audience of readers who are familiar with the basics of classical and quantum mechanics.
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